TinyML and Efficient Deep Learning Computing Lecture 6
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authors | Song Han |
year | 2023 |
url | https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1mo0umu0qtq7uxap2l5m3/lec06.pdf?rlkey=bdl2mgusgajddjuvjxb0fot36&e=2&dl=0 |
1. Quantization Granularity
1. Per tensor quantization: same quantization parameters for the entire matrix
2. Per channel quantization: sometimes each channels have considerably different weight distributions, have different quantization parameters per channel/row
3. Group quantization: similar idea
2. Dynamic Range Clipping
- To quantize activations, we must keep track of activations statistics
- Use KL divergence to measure information loss
- Allocating dynamic range to outliers hurts representation ability (see below image)
3. Rounding
Quantization Aware Training
- To minimize the loss of accuracy, especially aggressive quantization with 4 bits and lower bit width, neural network will be trained/fine-tuned with quantized weights and activations.
- Usually, fine-tuning a pre-trained floating point model provides better accuracy than training from scratch.