Properties | |
authors | Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barton |
year | 2018 |
9. On-policy prediction with approximation¶
Problem setting: In most real scenarios, the number of states is too large for tabular learning algorithms, so we will approximate the value function by a learned, parametrized function:
\(\(\hat{v}(s, \mathbf{w}) \approx v_\pi(s)\)\)
- Examples of possible modelling choices for this function could be linear functions, non linear functions, neural networks, etc.
- \(\mathbf{w} \in R^d\) , \(d \ll |\mathcal{S}|\) , which means that updating on state affects multiple: generalization
- This formulation allows for partially observable states.
- Side note: not all convergence proofs apply to all function classes (for more info see UCL x DeepMind 7/13)
9.1 Value-function approximation¶
New notation! (\(s\to u\) is an update rule for \(v(s)\) using new expression \(u\))
How does the learning setting differ between neural networks (supervised) and reinforcement learning?
RL requires modeling to allow:
- online learning (while interacting with environment), incrementally acquire data
- Remember that supervised learning suffers from catastrophic forgetting
- Non-stationary target functions
Supervised Learning assumes iid sampling from a fixed but unknown data distribution
9.2 The Prediction Objective (\(\overline{VE}\))¶
Why do we need a prediction objective now? What has changed?
In the tabular setting we had two nice properties:
- the learned value function could actually converge exactly to the true value function
- the value of a state was decoupled from other states
Without these two, we must say which states are most important to us.
Equation 9.1: Value Error
- \(\mu(s)\) is the state distribution (reminder: non-negative, sums to one)
For on-policy episodic tasks, \(\mu(s)\) is called the on-policy distribution, which can be defined as follows:
Equations 9.2 and 9.3
- \(h(s)\) is the probability that an episode begins in a state \(s\).
- \(\eta(s)\) is the number of time steps spent on average in a state \(s\) for a single episode.
- Interpretation of 2 terms: Time is spent in a \(s\) if an episode starts in \(s\) or if another state transitions into \(s\).
- \(\overline{VE}\) only guarantees local optimality.
9.3 Stochastic-gradient and Semi-gradient Methods¶
Equations 9.4 and 9.5
However, since we don't know the true \(v_\pi(s)\), we can replace it with the target output \(U_t\):
Equation 9.7
- \(U_t\) should be an unbiased estimate of \(v_\pi(s)\), that is:
- \(\mathbb{E}[U_t \mid S_t=s] = v_\pi(s)\)
- With local optimum convergence guarantees.
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Examples of \(U_t\):
- Monte Carlo target: \(U_t = G_t\) (that is, the reward achieved until the end of the episode), unbiased.
- Bootstrapping targets are biased because they depend on \(\mathbf{w}\) through \(\hat{v}(S_t, \mathbf{w})\) .
- To make them unbiased, you can treat the dependent expressions as constants (stop the gradient flow). This yields semi-gradient methods.
Semi-gradient methods:
- Do not converge as robustly as gradient methods, aside from the linear case.
- Faster, enable online/continual learning.
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9.4 Linear Methods¶
Equation 9.8
- \(\mathbf{x}(s) = \left(x_1(s), \dots, x_d(s)\right)^\intercal\)
- The gradient Monte Carlo algorithm converges to the global optimum of the VE under linear function approximation if \(\alpha\) is reduced over time according to the usual conditions.
- Chapter also explores the convergence of TD(0) with SGD and linear approximation and finds it converges to the TD fixed point (Eqs. 9.11, 9.12), \(\mathbf{w}_{TD}\). This is not the global optimum, but a point near the local optimum.
Equation 9.11 and 9.12: TD fixed point
Semi-gradient TD(0) under linear approximation converges to the TD fixed point:
\mathbf{b} \doteq \mathbb{E} \left[ R_{t+1} \mathbf{x}t \right] \in \mathbb{R}^d \quad \text{and} \quad \mathbf{A} \doteq \mathbb{E} \left[ \mathbf{x}_t (\mathbf{x}_t - \gamma \mathbf{x}{t+1})^\intercal \right] \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d} \tag{9.11}
Is \(\mathbf{w}_{TD}\) the minimiser of \(\overline{VE}\)?
No, but it is a point near a local optimum w.r.t \(\overline{VE}\).
What are the convergence guarantees of semi-gradient TD(0) with non-linear features?
No guarantees.
When should you choose Semi-gradient TD(0) over Gradient Monte Carlo?
Since Semi-gradient TD(0) learns faster, it is better when there is a fixed computational budget.
However, if you can train for longer, Gradient Monte Carlo is better.
Equation 9.14
Interpretation: The asymptotic error of the TD method is no more than \(\frac{1}{1-\gamma}\) times the smallest possible error.
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Equation 9.15
Equation 9.16
9.5 Feature Construction for Linear Methods¶
- 9.5.1 Polynomials
- 9.5.2 Fourier Basis
- 9.5.3 Coarse coding
- 9.5.4 Tile Coding
- 9.5.5 Radial Basis Functions
9.6 Selecting Step-Size Parameters Manually¶
“The classical choice t =1/t, which produces sample averages in tabular MC methods, is not appropriate for TD methods, for nonstationary problems, or for any method using function approximation.” (Sutton and Barto, 2020, p. 244)
Equation 9.19
Suppose you wanted to learn in about \(\tau\) experiences with substantially the same feature vector. A good rule of thumb for setting the step-size parameter of linear SGD methods is:
9.7 Nonlinear Function Approximation: Artificial Neural Networks¶
TLDR: Using neural networks for function approximation. Discusses common techniques: architecture, dropout, batchnorm, etc.
9.8 Least-Squares TD¶
Equation 9.20 and 9.21: LSTD update
Shouldn't both sums be divided by \(t\) like normal sample averages?
No, the \(t\) term cancels out in the update.
Why id there a \(\epsilon \mathbf{I}\) term in the LSTD update?
This is a regularization term to ensure the matrix is invertible.
What is the computational complexity of LSTD?
By naively computing the inverse, it is \(O(d^3)\), but there are more efficient methods.
How can we improve the computational complexity of LSTD?
By using the Sherman-Morrison formula, we can reduce the complexity to \(O(d^2)\). This method allows us to iteratively compute \(\widehat{\mathbf{A}}_t^{-1}\). from \(\widehat{\mathbf{A}}_{t-1}^{-1}\) in \(O(d^2)\) time.
Does LSTD require specifying any hyperparameters (e.g. step size)?
Yes, but not step size. The only hyperparameter is \(\epsilon\). It has a similar effect to step size: If \(\epsilon\) is too small, the inverses will vary a lot and if \(\epsilon\) is is too large, learning will be slow.
How does LSTD compare to Semi-Gradient TD? Name 4 differences.
- More sample efficient.
- Requires more computation: \(O(d^2)\) vs \(O(d)\).
- Does not require a step-size parameter, only \(\epsilon\).
- LSTD never forgets.
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- Note: Details not on exam