Properties | |
authors | Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barton |
year | 2018 |
2 Multi-armed Bandits¶
2.2 Action-value Methods¶
Equation 2.1: Sample-average Method
Q_t(a) \doteq \frac{\text{sum of rewards when } a \text{ taken prior to } t}{\text{number of times } a \text{ taken prior to } t} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{t-1} R_i \cdot \mathbb{1}_{A_i = a}}{\sum_{i=1}^{t-1} \mathbb{1}_{A_i = a}} \tag{2.1}
Equation 2.2: Greedy Action Selection
A_t \doteq \underset{a}{\arg\max} Q_t(a) \tag{2.2}
2.4 Incremental Implementation¶
Equation 2.4: Incremental Sample-average method
Q_{n+1} = Q_n + \frac{1}{n}[R_n - Q_n] \tag{2.4}
- \(Q_1\) is usually initialized to zero.
- \(R_n\) is the reward received after the \(n\)-th selection of action \(a\)
- \(Q_n\) denote the estimate of its action value after it has been selected \(n-1\) times
2.5 Tracking a Nonstationary Problem¶
Equation 2.7: Two learning rate conditions to ensure convergence
\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \alpha_n(a) = \infty \quad \text{and} \quad \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \alpha_n^2(a) < \infty \tag{2.7}
2.6 Optimistic Initial Values¶
TLDR: Initializing \(Q_1(a)\) to a positive non-zero number encourages exploration.
2.7 Upper-Confidence-Bound Action Selection¶
Equation 2.10: UCB action selection
A_t \doteq \underset{a}{\arg\max} \left[ Q_t(a) + c \sqrt{\frac{\ln t}{N_t(a)}} \right] \tag{2.10}
- \(c > 0\) controls the degree of exploration.