Properties | |
authors | Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barton |
year | 2018 |
13 Policy Gradient Methods¶
- Value-based methods: learn action-value estimates.
- Policy Gradient methods: learn parameterized policies, \(\pi(a \mid s, \boldsymbol{\theta})\).
- (policies that don't consult a value function).
- Actor-critic methods: learn both.
- Actor \(\to\) policy
- Critic \(\to\) value function
- \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\): policy parameters
- \(\mathbf{w}\) : value function parameters
How do we learn parametrized policies?
- 0-order: random search, grid search, heuristics
- 1-order: use first-order derivative (gradient)
- 2-order: user second-order statistics (hessian, etc)
Equation 13.1: Gradient ascent update of policy parameters
13.1 Policy Approximation and its Advantages¶
What is in practice enforced to ensure exploration for PGMs?
That the policy never becomes deterministic.
Equation 13.2: Soft-max in action preferences
Which conditions must the problem fulfill in order to reasonably consider the Soft-max in action preferences parametrization?
The action space must be discrete and small enough.
Equation 13.3: Linear parametrization of policy preferences \(h\)
where \(\mathbf{x}(s, a)\) is a feature vector that describes the state-action pair.
What are the advantage of parametrizing policies according to the soft-max in action preferences in comparison with \(\epsilon-\)greedy policies?
- Enables policies to approach a deterministic policy. \(\epsilon\)-greedy policies always maintain a minimum non-greedy probability \(\epsilon\).
- It enables truly stochastic policies. \(\epsilon\)-greedy policies force the policy to be almost greedy, but sometimes the best policy is to do \(x\) with probability \(p\) and \(y\) with probability \(1-p\) (e.g. poker bluffing).
What is the most important reasons for using policy gradient methods instead of value-based methods?
- They allow you to inject prior knowledge about the desired form of the policy. (ref:book)
- Ensures smooth updates of the policy. (ref:book/slides)
- Allows continuous action spaces. (ref:slides)
- Allows for stochastic policies. (ref:slides)
How do we inject inductive biases into the policy parametrization?
- Policy form (e.g, gaussian, etc)
- Initialization
13.2 The Policy Gradient Theorem¶
How does continuous policy parametrization help convergence? Compare it to VBMs.
With VBMs, a small change in value function could drastically change the policy.
With PGMs, a small change in policy parameters will only change the policy slightly, which helps optimization.
Equation 13.4: Performance \(J(\boldsymbol{\theta})\) for the episodic case
What problem/question does the Policy Gradient Theorem answer?
How can we estimate the performance gradient with respect to the policy parameter when the gradient depends on the unknown effect of policy changes on the state distribution?
The policy gradient theorem allows for an estimate of the performance gradient irrespective of the derivative of the state distribution.
Equation 13.5: Policy gradient theorem
13.3 REINFORCE: Monte Carlo Policy Gradient¶
Equation 13.6: All-actions policy gradient
Personal note about notation:
- \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}\) is a bit misleading because it can have two interpretations:
- \(\mathbb{E}_{A_t \sim \pi \mid S_t = s}\): Expectation over actions given a state.
- \(\mathbb{E}_{S_t \sim \mu}\): Expectation over the states given the on-policy distribution \(\mu\). Since this distribution depends on the policy and the purpose of this expectation is to be sampled through experience for SGD, the abuse of notation is understandable.
- To further this point, \(\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[f]\) effectively means: The experience gathered from the policy \(\pi\) to update the parameters through SGD will correctly weigh \(f\) eventually.
Equation 13.7: All-actions policy gradient update rule
Derivation of the REINFORCE gradient:
Equation 13.8: REINFORCE update rule
This choice of performance measure \(G_t \frac{ \nabla \pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})}{\pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})}\) is intuitive:
- \(\nabla \pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})\): Is the direction that maximizes the probability of selecting \(A_t\) in state \(S_t\).
- This gradient is proportional to \(G_t\), which means that the larger the return, the larger the update.
- This gradient is inversely proportional to \(\pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})\), which means that the larger the probability of selecting \(A_t\), the smaller the update.
- This is importance because it prevents frequency bias: actions should be chosen not because they are frequent, but because they have high return.
This vector is called the eligibility vector.
- [ ] #todo: Check if \(G_t\) is part of this vector or not.
- For simplicity, \(\frac{\nabla \pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})}{\pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})}\) is written as \(\nabla \ln \pi(A_t | S_t, \boldsymbol{\theta})\).
- REINFORCE has good theoretical convergence properties.
Why does REINFORCE yield slow learning?
Because as a Monte Carlo method, it has high variance.
DISCLAIMER: For uva-rl1, this method is called REINFORCE v2. REINFORCE v1 uses the full return at each step
13.4 REINFORCE with Baseline¶
The policy gradient can be generalized to include any baseline function \(b(s)\), as long as it is independent of the action.
Equation 13.10: Baseline policy gradient
Why is \(b(s)\)'s independence to \(a\) a requirement for this generalization to be valid?
If \(b(s)\) is independent of \(a\), then the term involving \(b(s)\) will zero-out:
Equation 13.11: Baseline policy gradient update rule
- In general, the baseline leaves the expected value of the update unchanged, but affects the variance.
- Think about as a normalization, the baseline can act as a way to zero-mean the value distribution per each state, thus helping the learning algorithm to differentiate better between bad and good actions relative to each state's particular action-value distribution.
- Natural choice: \(b(s) = \hat{v}(S_t, \mathbf{w})\).
- Setting the learning rate for \(\mathbf{w}\) is as normal, but for \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\), it is not obvious.
13.5 Actor-Critic Methods¶
TLDR: Expand usage of the baseline/value function with multi-step returns, lambda TD, etc. Helps with variance. Adds bias but can be controlled with lambda TD, etc.
- Use value function as baseline
- Use one-step returns with value bootstrap as target
Equation 13.12, 13.13 and 13.14: One-step Actor-critic update rule
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13.6 Policy Gradient for Continuing Problems¶
Equation 13.15: Average rate of reward per time step
- \(\mu(s) \doteq \lim_{t\to \infty} \mathbb{P} \left[S_t = s \mid A_{0:t} \sim \pi \right]\) is the steady-state distribution of states under \(\pi\), which is assumed to exist and to be independent of \(S_0\) (an ergodicity assumption).
Note: not part of the course readings, missing remaining notes for this subsection.
13.7 Policy Parameterization for Continuous Actions¶
TLDR: parametrize policy by a distribution statistics, for example, mean and variance of gaussian.
todo: add notes
\(d \tau\)
Extra: Deterministic Policy Gradients¶
- Use deterministic policy as target policy
- Use stochastic policy as behavior policy (example: target + noise)
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DPG with q-learning update
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Only works with continous actions
Discrete actions will cause gradient inconsistencies
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Deep DPG = DPG + modification to use neural nets to generalise
- Use experience replay
- "double-q learning"