Positive Logic Programs
Positive logic programs¶
Two components:
1. Facts: a.
2. Rules: a :- b, c, d
, which is the same as b ∧ c ∧ d → a
This is a positive logic program:
wet(X) :- rainy(X). # eq: ∀x. (Rainy(x) → Wet(x))
Database semantics¶
1. Domain closure: The objects mentioned are the only objects.
2. Unique-names assumption: Two variables can't refer to the same object
3. Closed-world assumption: Whatever we don't know is false
What does the database semantics allow us to do?
- We can specify a relation by the set of inputs that are true
- We can specify objects simply by the terms that point to them
- We don't have to explicitly define what function symbols mean
Thus, an interpretation is a set that defines which atoms are true. The remainder are false.
What is a model?
A model is an interpretation which makes all rules of a program true.
However, we're not interested in all models, we want the highest expressivity at the lowest information.
What is the definition of a minimal model?
A model is minimal if no strict subset exist that is also a model.
How do you construct a minimal model?
Start with facts and add new literals that are on the lhs of a rule where all body is in M.
M = {f for f in facts}
while True:
for head, body in rules:
if all(l in M for l in body):
What is the definition of a supported model?
A model is supported if all its atoms are supported.
An atom of a model is supported if it appears as a head where the body is true.
What properties does minimal models and supported models have for positive logic programs?
For positive logic programs:
- Minimal models are unique
- A minimal model is also a supported model (but not necessarily viceversa)
Normal logic programs¶
Now we allow negation.
a :- b_1, ..., b_n, not c_1, ..., not c_m.
Do properties of minimal models for PL still hold for NL? Why?
No, negation removes allows for non-uniqueness of minimal models.