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Positive Logic Programs

Positive logic programs

Two components:
1. Facts: a.
2. Rules: a :- b, c, d , which is the same as b ∧ c ∧ d → a

This is a positive logic program:

wet(X) :- rainy(X). # eq: ∀x. (Rainy(x)  Wet(x))

Database semantics

1. Domain closure: The objects mentioned are the only objects.
2. Unique-names assumption: Two variables can't refer to the same object
3. Closed-world assumption: Whatever we don't know is false

What does the database semantics allow us to do?
  1. We can specify a relation by the set of inputs that are true
  2. We can specify objects simply by the terms that point to them
  3. We don't have to explicitly define what function symbols mean

Thus, an interpretation is a set that defines which atoms are true. The remainder are false.


What is a model?

A model is an interpretation which makes all rules of a program true.

However, we're not interested in all models, we want the highest expressivity at the lowest information.

What is the definition of a minimal model?

A model is minimal if no strict subset exist that is also a model.

How do you construct a minimal model?

Start with facts and add new literals that are on the lhs of a rule where all body is in M.

M = {f for f in facts}
while True:
    for head, body in rules:
        if all(l in M for l in body):

What is the definition of a supported model?

A model is supported if all its atoms are supported.
An atom of a model is supported if it appears as a head where the body is true.

What properties does minimal models and supported models have for positive logic programs?

For positive logic programs:

  • Minimal models are unique
  • A minimal model is also a supported model (but not necessarily viceversa)

Normal logic programs

Now we allow negation.

a :- b_1, ..., b_n, not c_1, ..., not c_m.
Do properties of minimal models for PL still hold for NL? Why?

No, negation removes allows for non-uniqueness of minimal models.