keyence2021_c - Robot On Grid


    1. For a given valid path that filled $x$ empty cells, one has $3^{k - x}$ possible configurations (one can freely permute the empty cells that were not used in a valid path). -

Let’s define $rowcnt_i(j1, j2)$ to be the amount of empty cells in the range $(i, j1), (i, j1 + 1), …, (i, j2)$. Similarly, define $colcnt_j(i1, i2)$ as the amount of empty cells in the range $(i1, j), (i1 + 1, j), …, (i2, j)$.

Define the following dp:

If $(i, j)$ is D:

\[dp(i, j) = dp(i + 1, j) \times 3^{rowcnt_i(j + 1, w)}\]

If $(i, j)$ is R: \(dp(i, j) = dp(i, j + 1) \times 3^{colcnt_i(i + 1, h)}\)

If $(i, j)$ is X:

\[dp(i, j) = dp(i + 1, j) \times 3^{rowcnt_i(j + 1, w)} + dp(i, j + 1) \times 3^{colcnt_i(i + 1, h)}\]

If $(i, j)$ is empty:

\[dp(i, j) = 2 \ times dp(i + 1, j) \times 3^{rowcnt_i(j + 1, w)} + 2 \times dp(i, j + 1) \times 3^{colcnt_i(i + 1, h)}\]

The $2$ comes because to turn right one has $|{R, X}| = 2$ options. Similarly for turning down.

Time complexity: $O(n^2)$

Memory complexity: $O(n^2)$

Click to show code.

using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ii = pair<int, int>;
using vi = vector<int>;
using mint = atcoder::modint998244353;
ll solve(vector<string> mat)
    int h = mat.size(), w = mat[0].size();
    vector<vector<mint>> dp(h + 1, vector<mint>(w + 1, 0));
    mint miss_right(1);
    vector<mint> miss_down(w, 1);
    for (int i = h - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        miss_right = 1;
        for (int j = w - 1; j >= 0; --j)
            mint dans = dp[i + 1][j] * miss_right;
            mint rans = dp[i][j + 1] * miss_down[j];
            int md, mr;
            if (auto c = mat[i][j]; c)
                md = c == 'X' or c == 'D';
                mr = c == 'X' or c == 'R';
                md = mr = 2;
                miss_right *= 3;
                miss_down[j] *= 3;
            dp[i][j] = dans * md + rans * mr;
            if (i == h - 1 and j == w - 1)
                dp[i][j] = !mat[i][j] ? 3 : 1;
    return dp[0][0].val();
int main(void)
    ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(NULL);
    int h, w, k;
    cin >> h >> w >> k;
    vector<string> mat(h, string(w, 0));
    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
        int row, col;
        char ch;
        cin >> row >> col >> ch, row--, col--;
        mat[row][col] = ch;
    cout << solve(mat) << endl;
    return 0;