abc188_e - Peddler

Given the $X_i < Y_i$ constraint, we know this is a DAG.

For each node, $u$, with neighbor set $N(u)$, we’ll compute the following two values:

sell[u] = max(a[u], {sell[v] | v <- N(u)})
ans[u] = max({-a[u] + sell[v] | v <- N(u)})

Where sell[u] denotes the best price to sell for all nodes reachable by $u$ and itself and ans[u] is the best return value if we buy at node $u$ and sell at some node reachable by $u$.

The final answer is the maximum of $ans$ over all nodes.

Time complexity: $O(n + m)$

Memory complexity: $O(n + m)$

Click to show code.

using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ii = pair<int, int>;
using vi = vector<int>;
using vll = vector<ll>;
using Graph = vector<vi>;
struct DFS
    Graph &g;
    vll & a, &ans, &sell;
    vector<bool> vis;
    DFS(Graph &g, vll &a, vll &ans, vll &sell)
        : g(g), a(a), ans(ans), sell(sell), vis((int)(g).size(), 0){};
    void traverse(int u)
        vis[u] = true;
        for (auto v : g[u])
            if (!vis[v])
            sell[u] = max(sell[u], sell[v]);
            ans[u] = max(ans[u], -a[u] + sell[v]);
    void operator()(int u) { traverse(u); }
ll solve(Graph g, vll a)
    const ll INF = 1e17;
    int n = (int)(g).size();
    vll ans(n, -INF), sell(a);
    DFS dfs(g, a, ans, sell);
    for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u)
        if (not dfs.vis[u])
    return *max_element(begin(ans), end(ans));
int main(void)
    ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(NULL);
    int n, m;
    cin >> n >> m;
    vll a(n);
    for (auto &ai : a)
        cin >> ai;
    Graph g(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
        int u, v;
        cin >> u >> v, u--, v--;
    cout << solve(g, a) << endl;
    return 0;